Category: <span>Israel</span>

So Just Shut Up!

Ever feel like going outside and screaming at the top of your lungs, “Just SHUT UP!” I can’t do that because, with several small grandchildren, I would have them repeating it to everyone they know and so, in silence I suffer as I read the words of others, as I …

My speech at the Jordan Option Conference

According to The Jordan Times, the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe unanimously approved a report praising Jordan’s King Abdullah for implementing internal reforms. However, to the contrary of the king’s public perception in the West as a moderate seeking to improve the living conditions in …

Pro-Palestinian pretense.

I have never met anyone who really gives a genuine damn about Palestinians unless it is linked with an umbilical cord to hatred of Israel. The two are so welded together that you have to think what came first – the Palestinian chicken or the Israeli egg. Those that adopt …

The Asymmetry of the Israel-Palestinian Conflict.

The position of many world leaders, and much of the international diplomatic community, to the Israeli-Palestinian problem is that everything can be solved with a Two-State solution based on 1967 borders. This is lazy and shallow-minded knee-jerk diplomacy. It is devoid of any original or alternative thinking to a policy …