Category: <span>Israel</span>

Why I agreed to speak at the Jordan Option Conference

A few months ago, Palestinian Jordanian dissident Mudar Zahran invited me to speak at the Jordan Option Conference in Jerusalem.  He asked me to take part in this conference at a time when King Abdullah of Jordan was increasingly inciting violence against Israel, thus greatly contributing towards tension in the …

Social Linguistics – It’s Etymology not simple Grammar

I have to respond to Paula’s post on the difference between being Jewish and being a Jew. I would have just left her misguiding ideas alone, but she used strong language about differing opinions, so I think it needs to be addressed. First, the etymology. “Judaism” comes from being of …

The Nouns and The Adjectives

We live in a world of descriptions. We describe everything around us, everything within us using words that are often arbitrary and misunderstood. It’s a challenge to understand what someone else means; to struggle to interpret their meaning, not the meaning you would place on their words. Who are you? …

To Be A Jew

We live in a remarkable world, a world that can be filled with unlimited hope and also never ending despair. It can take you from the depths of misery to the peak of joy. At times it can be filled with darkness from which there is no escape, and at …

Peace and Pride

When I saw the news of the police / MPs and the Ultra-Orthodox trying to have a sit-in against the draft, I thought, “If those had been Arabs and not Jews, the whole world would have been screaming. There can’t be a reason to kick a man when he’s down.” …