Category: <span>Israel</span>

First the Presidency…

Then reality. He lost them both. I feel sorry for John Kerry. He has had a distinguished career, serving as a decorated naval officer, then as an elected official in many high ranking positions. While Syria is in turmoil, with a human tragedy of catastrophic proportions, while the rest of …

John Kerry on Israel

The problem with listening to John Kerry is that within minutes you start to get a headache – and that’s the best I can say. As an Israeli, I was prepared to listen to him lie – and that his what he did. I was prepared, or I thought I …

Profiling Ain’t Equal

Today my husband and I went on a tour of government offices. He held our son’s hand. I pushed the stroller. The security guard saw us, and let me through the stroller gate with both kids. I didn’t even pass through the metal detector. He told my husband, who was …

The Silent Intifada

Many of us remember the first Intifada – a preplanned mass “uprising” which released a wave of violence throughout Israel. It was conveniently…oh so conveniently, blamed on the fact that a Jew dared to visit the Temple Mount, Israel’s holiest site and the place where Arabs regularly, five times a …