Author: <span>Justin Amler</span>

A Tale Of Two Pictures

Two pictures of a group of Jews, many who were smiling with joy and pride. Jews who were young and old, males and females, frozen in a moment of time. When I see this, it’s hard not to get emotional. It’s hard not to feel dread and hope at the same time. It’s hard not to feel joy and anger. In one picture I see the past disappear in a dark abyss of hopelessness and deep despair and in the other I see a joyous future so full of unlimited hope and incredible brightness.

The Moral Duty Of All Jews

Let me be clear about something If you hear me talking about the occupation, I’m talking about the occupation of Jewish land by Arab invaders. I’m talking about the occupation of Jewish holy sites by people so infused in antisemitism they deny the very existence of anything Jewish. I’m talking …

Good Guys And Bad Guys

There are good guys and bad guys in the Middle East. Actually, there’s only ONE good guy. Israel is that good guy – a country that values human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and a country that helps out the world constantly with humanitarianism missions sent around the …

The Peace Process Illusion

Peace with the palestinians is an illusion. The goal is noble, but it’s not based in any kind of reality that exists in the real world. While Israel buries its dead – soldiers and citizens murdered while going about their normal lives, the palestinians will celebrate these “operations” by handing …