Author: <span>Rabbi Ezriel Yellin</span>

UNESCO and Hebron

The M’arat Hamachpelah, the Cave of the the world’s most ancient Jewish site and the second holiest place for the Jewish people, after the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.. The cave and the adjoining field were purchased—at full market price—by our father, Abraham approximately  3700 years ago. Abraham agreed to …

The Jewish Response

There is a Talmudic statement:Who can protest an injustice but does not is an accomplice to the act. There is injustice and wrongness here, and it must be addressed. Several years ago, there was a massive demonstration in Jerusalem against the proposed draft law. I fully supported the demonstration, not …

What does it all mean?

Today is Israel’s 69th Independence Day. 69 years ago, the State of Israel became a reality, as the declaration of Independence was read. A citizenry, a large population of which lived through the horrors of the Holocaust in Europe, finally had some ray of hope for the future, some modern …

It’s about time

Last week, Secretary-General António Guterres did something very surprising for a senior member of the United Nations. He rejected a report accusing Israel of establishing an “Apartheid regime”. The report was compiled for UNESCWA (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia), a group composed of 18 Arab states, by …

We WILL Remember!

Barack Obama claimed that he was the “best friend Israel ever had in the White House..” So in the waning days of his presidency, he performed the following acts of freindship: He failed to veto a UNSC resolution, which will have severe repercussions on the international stage. He sent the …

The Fear Effect

Congratulations Lieutenant-General Eizenkot. Or should I say Mazal Tov. It is a hard thing to do, to destroy the morale of the IDF, but you’ve done it. Last week, before the Azaria verdict, you calmed the fears and worries of the parents of EVERY soldier by stating that the IDF soldiers …

First the Presidency…

Then reality. He lost them both. I feel sorry for John Kerry. He has had a distinguished career, serving as a decorated naval officer, then as an elected official in many high ranking positions. While Syria is in turmoil, with a human tragedy of catastrophic proportions, while the rest of …