Israel’s Unique Export
We are not there yet, as we are still in spiritual galut. But we can still visualize all this to help perceive it as our up-coming reality.
Category for Yemima Belmont
We are not there yet, as we are still in spiritual galut. But we can still visualize all this to help perceive it as our up-coming reality.
Actually, it’s not what Uris “would have said” but what he actually did write. The recent pending amendment to the Polish act on the Institute of National Remembrance by law by the Parliament of Poland, should the President of Poland sign it into law, would bring with it the possibility …
So, I had to get my daughter’s gift-given mirror repaired, and I found a fix-it guy at the edge of downtown Tiberias. He’s got work clothes on, and me, sneakers. He asks me where I’m from, and I say Yavniel, which is just outside Tiberias. ‘Breslev?’ he asks ‘Jewish,’ I reply, …
Quran 5.21: “[Moses said]: O my people! Enter the Holy Land which God has written for you, and do not turn tail, otherwise you will be losers.”
There are a million and one things to say about Aliyah, each with its seemingly-almost-equal corresponding contradictory points. Aliyah means Jews “ascending” and returning to their homeland, the Land of Israel, based on God’s promises uttered and documented in His Book to us again and again, via our Patriarchs and …
The totalitarian regimes that try to zap the human free will out of their people may have taken down their countries’ social media lines (including the FB “Iran-Israel Friendship Group”), but they can never snuff out the innate will of human beings for freedom. Not too long ago, we witnessed …
The essence of Torah education is teaching to truly love learning and living Torah.
A huge part of the entire Tanach is about showing just how hard we have had to struggle to maintain the Torah mentality Hashem wants of us and not fall into Galut Mentality. And we haven’t always completely succeeded, because it requires us to rise up to that level of …
Now that the dust is somewhat settled and all and sundry predisposed to roar at any opportunity already got it out of their system, I ask: What if everything that’s going on here in Israel is really just God’s means to “clarify” more “sparks”? That is, What if He’s testing …
A true friend is one who likes and accepts us as we are. So too are true friends of Israel – Jewish Israel that is: Am Yisrael for Eretz Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael for Am Yisrael. When someone is said to “work hard for Israel” that phrase is really meaningless …
The issue of drafting yeshiva bochurs is upon us yet again, for the umpteenth time, which is really just a green-light excuse and field day for all and sundry predisposed to trash “them” – the Charedim. Ain’t nothin’ like whipping up a little more sin’at achim right before we all …