Category: <span>Authors</span>

The Maccabees Were Not G.I. Joes & Other Misconceptions of Galut Mentality

A huge part of the entire Tanach is about showing just how hard we have had to struggle to maintain the Torah mentality Hashem wants of us and not fall into Galut Mentality. And we haven’t always completely succeeded, because it requires us to rise up to that level of …

So Just Shut Up!

Ever feel like going outside and screaming at the top of your lungs, “Just SHUT UP!” I can’t do that because, with several small grandchildren, I would have them repeating it to everyone they know and so, in silence I suffer as I read the words of others, as I …

Why Jared Kushner is on a fool’s mission.

Jared Kushner, President Trump’s attractive son-in-law, is trying to do the impossible. He hopes to achieve what too many others before him have failed to do. That is to turn a dysfunctional, corrupt, rejectionist, ideological, violent, Palestinian political divide, into a peace-loving nation. Here are just a few of the …