One country after another claims that they do not judge Israel by a standard any different than any other country. The UN claims it is not biased against Israel. Each time Israel calls foul in the public arena by how it is treated with a double standard, we are told we are paranoid or that we are simply fabricating things.
Let’s take a little test and see how things add up. Is Israel judged by a double standard? You be the judge!
- What would happen if Israel randomly fired a series of 3-4 rockets into the civilian population in Gaza? How long would take before international condemnation? Yet, as I write these words, a number of missiles came from Gaza into Israel…and no world condemnation.
- What would happen if the PM of Israel stood up in the Bet Knesset HaGadol in Jerusalem, or in the Knesset, and were to call for the destruction of another sovereign country? How long would it take before international condemnation? Yet, daily we hear calls for the destruction of Israel, and nary a word from the world community.
- What would happen if Israel made it illegal for a woman to leave her home without a male family member? How long would take before international condemnation? Yet, in dozens of Muslim countries that is the LAW, and we hear nothing about it from the world community.
- What would happen if Israel arrested and then executed opposition leaders with no “due process.” How long would take before international condemnation? Yet, we read story after story in many countries of this exact activity, and the world is silent.
- What would happen if the president of Israel told tens of thousands at a rally that he is sick of the Moslems defiling our land with their filthy feet? How long would take before international condemnation? Yet, daily these forms of epithets are bandied about regarding Jews in Israel, and the world community is silent.
- What would happen if Israel crossed the border into another sovereign country and kidnapped some of their soldiers. How long would take before international condemnation? Yet, we have suffered this travesty numerous times and not a peep from the world community.
- What would happen if in Israel, after a terror attack the army would round up leaders and planners of the missions and execute them by publicly hanging them? How long would take before international condemnation? Yet, Turkey and other nations have done that, and the world community is silent.
- What HAS happened any time a terrorist was killed while perpetrating a terror attack? World condemnation, UN resolutions, calls for Days of Rage, etc. Claims of disproportionate force are invoked. Yet, in ALL other countries, where a terrorist has been eliminated during the act, NEVER is there a call for days of rage, condemnations, etc.
So, with this very, very short list, you be the judge. With prima facie evidence as this, it is impossible to walk away saying that Israel is judged the same way as the rest of the world.
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