Part 3: How to Respond to Conspiracy Theories and the People Spreading Them

Part 3: How to Respond to Conspiracy Theories and the People Spreading Them

Here’s how to stop a false narrative aka conspiracy theorist mid-remark: Ask the speaker “And then what?” As the person continues to recite their fantasies, question their inconsistent statements. Patiently wait to let them think of another rationale. Point out that inconsistency once it has been stated. Prevent hostilities by proposing that the person take time to figure things out so that he or she can explain them understandably, and then part ways. Understand that the person is addicted to the way that they think and speak. Like all addicts, they will bristle when faced with the lack of their desired substance: believers. If the person seems to be threatening you in some way, run, call for help, file a police complaint, and do not re-engage with the individual. Being led to realize by your own words that your own statements are inconsistent and ludicrous is very painful for anyone, including conspiracy theorists. They just don’t “do” logic or logical arguments. Some conspiracy theorists might become violent when realizing that “I messed up!” Addicts tend to do that when denied their chosen substances, when they understand that they lack credibility, and when they realize that they harmed themselves.

When you want to end a conversation with a conspiracy theorist, state your need to return to your work, to reach your appointment, whatever works.

Do what leaves you feeling psychologically and physically safe. When you feel confused by arguments or statements that seem to lack consistency, when the speaker makes you feel pressured to believe him or her, align with inner truth. Eliminate ego, doubt, and emotional pain. Trust your instincts. Remain grounded in what you find reliable. Egoism is part of a conspiracy theorist’s problem: they’ve invested their identity in selected beliefs and in conning other people to believe them. Conspiracy theories are false narratives, lies. If you feel frightened, pained or doubtful about someone’s ideas, set aside time to consider them and to discuss them with trusted confidantes.

Remain Focused and Neutral

Remain focused on factual information and trustworthy relationships no matter the argument presented to you. When a person disconnects from truth they create a vacuum. This is especially true for people who believe in a beneficent Creator. Without GOD the vacuum renders them emotionally and spiritually vulnerable.

Remain neutral. It’s pointless to argue with a conspiracy theorist. Ridicule won’t work, either, Hostility rarely achieves peace. Here is a video about narcissism. Bear in mind that conspiracy theory spreaders are self-absorbed, hungry for adulation: Why the Left Is AFRAID to Debate You. The comments are applicable to anyone into spreading conspiracies. They aren’t into logic, facts, or good sense. They’re on self-absorbed, attention-getting, addictive power trips based on illusions. It can be dangerous to argue with them, too. Being led to realize, with your own words recited back to you, that your own statements are inconsistent and ludicrous is emotionally painful. A person feeling upset by that can become violent. Addicts tend to do that when denied their chosen substances. Power trippers are addicted to feeling in charge. You can’t save them. They will either save themselves or not. It is up to them, not to you. Let a competent therapist deal with the situation.

Important ideas to review and a few to consider:

  • A conspiracy theory is a limited amount of ideas trying to explain limited issues in a limited timeframe. The objective truth is that people are self-interested. Little conspiracies don’t go far. BIG conspiracy theories are motivating forces with BIG massive theories about a few people who control the masses. Evidence is always missing. That becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: “They’re hiding it from you/us.”
  • There are evil, unchecked people in the world. They tend to conceal trouble and their own mistakes. Some of them spread conspiracy theories to seem important to other people and to avoid imagined problems.
  • Conspiracy theorists have many spiritual qualities, or pretend that they do. All of them lack faith or confidence in a beneficent GOD. They rationalize aka rationa-lies GOD as serving their needs, not a pleasant heavenly agenda. Terrorists do that when they want to murder or otherwise harm people on theological grounds.
  • Conspiracy theorists trust illusions instead of facts.
  • Conspiracy theorists distrust institutions and authority figures. The theorists want to be in charge, not someone else.
  • Conspiracy theories are about a primal urge to assert control over an unpredictable, dangerous world. This leads to “Them versus Us” tribal thinking with a finger to point at alleged troublemakers. This negates personal responsibility. That can be dangerous to the public.
  • When a person can’t cope with the truth, they just might hide from reality. Conspiracy theories are a tool for doing that.
  • Quoting Katz again, “Nuance is the property of higher awareness.” That means that not everything should be taken at face value. Life isn’t necessarily black and white. Gray is part of the spectrum.
  • Conspiracy theorists don’t use nuance. They use the tools of propaganda: pressure tactics; guilt trips and fear-mongering. The sole positive aspect of conspiracy theorists is that they challenge the establishment, which might indeed be problematic. The positive element is cancelled out, though due to a lack of genuine evidence. Hearsay, suspicions, guesses, and incorrect conclusions are not evidence.
  • The people vulnerable to believing conspiracy theories are often into alternative health, religiosity, and/or spirituality. They want peace and love but they’re not willing to do the work to achieve all that. They want magic.
  • When people don’t know what or whom to trust, they distrust honesty. They can’t distinguish between truth and falsehood. The danger is that they believe delusions, lies. Nuance is lost. Victims are created.
  • Donald Trump’s situation illustrates a perfect conspiracy theory storm: Massive social changes, deep political divisions, and loneliness. This leaves people feeling helpless and anxious. Anxious people blame Trump for their problems whether or not he caused them. The phenomenon is predicated on a specific problem; Nervous systems worldwide are overwhelmed with data from the Internet and instances of slanted reported which left out relevant facts. All of that has led to many conspiracy theories, death, and violence.


Compassion and inner strength aka self-restraint are core energies. Conspiracy theorists lack both. They represent the fallen versions of compassionate people who control themselves. Divisive, they are into pretense, schisms and negative forces – in brief, extremes. To decent people, compassion and inner strength are the same thing. They integrate them. Decent, socially appropriate people are into harmony, borders, compassion, and unity. Conspiracy theorists are into fragmentation.

Watch this space for Part 4: Rules to Remember


May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'It iu is usually to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance. THOMAS SOWELL Economist Social Theorist'



  1. The media’s mismanagement of the issue, an ever-changing cast of Ministry of Health plus Corona Cabinet members with conflicting or opposing agendas, and a long learning curve for medical researchers regarding COVID-19 have created a Perfect Storm that is a disservice to the public. A public relations disaster in action, the problem has hampered the spread of factual information and the protection of lives. However, that does not give license to rumor-spreading. lying, and the withholding of accurate information on social media, in person, or at all.

    Each person needs to proceed with good sense, respect for factual information that can save lives, and the need to be prudent.

    IF and ONLY IF the vaccines present a health hazard to that individual, all questions and concerns should be directed to a competent, licensed, trustworthy doctor.

  2. Jake

    When the media is lying about everything, people turn to other sources of information. The problem is the lying media, not the individuals trying to wade through misinformation and figure out the truth.

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