Israel Moment…Suspicious Object Alert
Know that we are blessed to live in this country, even with the occasional concerns over suspicious objects.
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Know that we are blessed to live in this country, even with the occasional concerns over suspicious objects.
One of the big “misnomers” in Jewish Parshat Shavua, Torah Portion of the Week is calling this week’s parsha, Shlach-Send “The Sin of the Spies.” The very large and honorable delegation sent off to scout out, or more accurately to stake out the Holy Land weren’t called מרגלים miraglim, spies in the Biblical …
Are you dealing with a personality that you don’t understand? Look at the lock. Melt the pin with love and acceptance. It can help you, too, even if the situation is such that you need to call for professional help.
Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman has come out with so many contradictory statements over the decades he has been on the political scene that the best guess is that he has no real ideology, just raw ambition.
Israel has already acquired several F-35 stealth fighters from the US, and we’re set to acquire about fifty more, if the rumors are true. But are F-35s in Israel’s best interest? Assuming we don’t need F-35s to fight Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Authority, or “lone-wolf” terrorists, the main enemy our …
Ambassador Bolton addressing the Ingeborg Rennert Center’s Guardian of Zion Award dinner As I already blogged on A Jewish Grandmother, my husband and I attended the Ingeborg Rennert Center’s Guardian of Zion Award Dinner last night. So, besides the food, the real highlight of the evening was the speech by …
I love the holiday of Shavuot…I don’t know why really. Passover is too much work. I do love Sukkot…Simchat Torah…Purim…Rosh Hashana – so really, oh…Hanuka…the point is…I really love all the holidays, but there is something about Shavuot…it isn’t just that it is on this holiday that we were blessed …
Finally the United States has a president who isn’t totally enamored with Arab terrorist leaders. I can’t remember a time when an American President seemed more comfortable and supporting of Israel rather than the Arabs who want to destroy us. As imperfect/flawed as Donald Trump certainly is, at least he …
… I think that today, the day after Jerusalem Day and three weeks after Israeli Independence Day is just the time to post a special Jerusalem themed edition.
Since President Trump and his entourage left the US for Saudi Arabia, the religious world has been “up in arms.” No one knows the identity of the rabbi who permitted Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner to fly in an airplane on Shabbat. No one knows if they actually asked a …
One of the things so very different here in Israel is that here the bus drivers are “peers,” meaning “regular people,” the sort who can be neighbors, friends, fellow Tanach, Bible aficionados. There are Arab bus drivers, too, as I wrote about here, but they are the exceptions. Unlike the …
The week of Yom Ha’atzmaut, on 6 Iyyar marked 23 years since my father died. His death was “all of a sudden”and quick. Although he had a long cardiac history, it was something very unexpected. The medics at the scene told me that even had he been in a good hospital …