Category: <span>Rav Zev Shandalov</span>

The Most Beautiful Birthday Party I Have Ever Attended–Didn’t Even Know the Boy!

Attending a birthday party in and of itself is not something remarkable. However, this party, this communal “event” was something altogether different…and inspirational! A few weeks ago, there was a small, innocuous Facebook post by a mother here in Maale Adumim. Her son, Matanel, was about to celebrate his 6th …

Saying Kaddish for Those Who Recited Kaddish

On May 16th, a group of approximately 50 British “with a variety of political beliefs – gathered in Parliament Square to mourn the deaths of the Palestinians killed by the Israeli army.” (See I’m proud to have led Kaddish by the leader.) Currently, Leah Jordan serves as the Progressive Chaplain for Students …

Resources for Pesach Re: Products, Kashering, and Haggada Divrei Torah

In just under two weeks, Jews around the world will sit down to the Pesach Seder night and spend hours discussing the topic of the Exodus from Egypt. Prior to that evening, there is much to be done, including cleaning, shopping, cooking, prepping for things to say at the Seder, …