It is High Time to Make Peace Within Yisrael

It is High Time to Make Peace Within Yisrael

Don’t ya just hate those religious Jews?
Don’t ya think those religious Jews should be more like us?

If you answered in the affirmative, you have been properly and successfully brain-washed by the Erev Rav to hate Torah and Am Yisrael. AND, it means this post isn’t for you, nor is anyone predisposed to continue to hate no matter what.
Subtract the word “religious” from the above questions and equation and you get classic antisemitic slogans.
There is a very real issue in Israel about drafting yeshiva bochurs. Both sides have very legitimate issues. Both sides need to acknowledge that and not just dismiss the other side.
First of all, I condemn all physical attacks on either side, all disruption of our roads, and anything but a civil means of voicing the stances. With that, I am also sick of those who already hate and dump on the religious and only use this conflict to fuel their sinat chinam. Though, frankly, there are haters on both sides of the rift. Those who are not interested in finding a solution BOTH sides can live with should be out of the discussion and definitely not be among the decision-makers.
Those who refuse to accept that ALL of Yisrael are holy, regardless of observance level – out. Those who insist, for instance, that gay parades need to go through religious neighborhoods and overall disrespect Torah – out.
This rift within Israeli society is a terrible reality. But we must all be willing to DO something to reach a compromise and solution. It means we must be willing to change – not an easy thing, but absolutely imperative.
It requires, on the one hand, of all of Am Yisrael to acknowledge and accept that Torah, our covenant with Hashem, is not just another subject like others. Talmud Torah is what affords Am Yisrael the spiritual protection over Eretz Yisrael, and that is part of our ani ma’amin.
Am Yisrael’s zechut to the Land of Israel is only from our covenant with God, and that is contingent on our keeping our side of the covenant – i.e. the Torah.
On the other hand, it is high time we respectfully request all the rabbanim to provide a concrete Step No. 1 – if not Nos. 2 and 3 too – to finding a solution to the rift.
It is high time we break out of this terrible impasse and deadlock.
Above all, tzav hasha’a (the need of the hour) = Ahavat Yisrael, Ahavat Chinam!

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