4000 years ago, one man changed the world. He looked around him and saw a world he could not believe in. He saw a world he could not relate to. He saw a world he didn’t believe in. And rather than be a part of it, he decided to stand separately. He decided to stand independently. He decided to stand alone. He believed in a single God, rather than the multitude of idols around him.
That man was Abraham and his covenant with God made him the first Jew – our original forefather. And in the same covenant, God promised him a land of milk and honey, a land in which the Jews would be able to call their own. It was a belief so strong that it caused Abraham to leave everything he ever knew and his whole life behind him and journey to a strange new land, a strange new world, and a whole new begining.
He was a simple man with a simple belief – a belief that changed everything we thought we knew.
One man.
And on that journey he began – a journey we still carry on today – he met many people and travelled to many places and had many adventures. But most importantly, he became the father of a people that still exist today. A people who still live in that same land promised 4000 years ago. A people who still believe in that promise, eventhough the world doesn’t.
But Abraham was a man of the future, not the past. So he decided to purchase a cave and the surrounding land from a guy called Ephron. He paid him 400 shekels of silver in a deal, complete with witnesses and documentation. And with this purchase, he established that Hebron would belong to the Jewish people forever and ever. It was a place that he and his family would be buried, to rest forever on Jewish land.

Yesterday, UNESCO, who is supposed to safeguard the cultural and historical heritage of people, decided to declare that deal and void. They decided to erase history. They decided, rather than safeguard the cultural integrity of the Jewish people, to destroy it instead.
Or attempt to.
Because a collection of countries, many which don’t even give their citizens basic human rights, don’t get to decide on this. They have no authority. They have no right. They have no integrity. And they have no shame.
The UNESCO vote is not about culture or history or freedom or democracy or safeguarding anything. It has nothing to do with Hebron or Jerusalem. It has only to do with destroying the Jewish people, their rights, their history, their culture, their link to a land promised to them 4000 years earlier.
But history is an old beast, and it remembers things, long after those who have passed through it have faded away.
Keep going with illuminaying that anti semetism is alive snd well ;the cowards disguise it as land issues. United nations !! Even their name is a misnomer-the word ‘nation’ implies separateness, boundaries and borders, for the greater good of self; do how can the be united. Maybe united in a common hate….hypocrites .
As the chassidic “mantra” goes: “Echad haya Abraham”