Category: <span>Topic Categories</span>

Saying Kaddish for Those Who Recited Kaddish

On May 16th, a group of approximately 50 British “with a variety of political beliefs – gathered in Parliament Square to mourn the deaths of the Palestinians killed by the Israeli army.” (See I’m proud to have led Kaddish by the leader.) Currently, Leah Jordan serves as the Progressive Chaplain for Students …

Myth/Libel #1: Before 1948, Muslims, Christians and Jews Lived in Palestine in Harmony

This post is part of the Response to “Hate Mail” from an Israel-Hating Conspiracy Theorist series dealing with biased and incorrect claims made against Israel. The first claim you often hear from Israel naysayers is one of the easiest to debunk. They love to claim that “before 1948 Muslims Christians and a minority of …

Another Survivor Dies and Anne Frank Slips Further Away

The survivors are dying…so few are left. They leave behind unquestionable evidence of the horrors committed by Nazi Germany. Unquestionable because there is so much. No other mass slaughter in history was ever so well documented…often by the very people who were committing the genocide. Germans were meticulous in documenting, …

Joy of Teaching

I recall my dear friend Rabbi Mordechai Ganzweig, may the memory of the righteous be a blessing. I was a young man when we had this conversation. He warned me about the problems associated with teaching, of being a teacher, the dangers, the economic hardships, the lack of recognition and …

Grabbing Too Much

We are born grabbing. We find it adorable when we put out our finger and the baby grabs our finger with his little fist. Soon the baby is grabbing everything and putting it into his mouth. This can be dangerous. Too much grabbing is dangerous. As we get older one …