Category: <span>Politics</span>

Praying From The Floor

This is adapted from a post on Since I wrote and published that, I have been steadily recovering. As horrible as it was to experience, it has generated deep insights and even deeper questions which I hope to explore here in the future. What do we achieve when we …

On Becoming a Grandfather

There are many significant milestones in a person’s life. They celebrate a bar/bat mitzva; a wedding; birth of children; their first political post on Facebook (ok, maybe that is not so significant!), among other stages. This past week, my wife and I reached a new milestone: We became grandparents! So, …

Parshat Shlach, The “Mother of All” Pilot Trips Gone Bad

One of the big “misnomers” in Jewish Parshat Shavua, Torah Portion of the Week is calling this week’s parsha, Shlach-Send “The Sin of the Spies.” The very large and honorable delegation sent off to scout out, or more accurately to stake out the Holy Land weren’t called מרגלים miraglim, spies in the Biblical …