An “Only in Israel Story,” The Arab Bus Driver

An “Only in Israel Story,” The Arab Bus Driver

Not long ago, after getting on a bus to Jerusalem, I realized they the bus driver was an Arab. This happens a lot, because as I keep saying:

“Israel isn’t an apartheid state!”

Honestly, I don’t inspect the driver when getting on the bus, so unless it’s a driver I’m familiar with, I haven’t a clue as to who’s driving us.

I only realized that the driver was an Arab when he began to make announcements. Now, to be honest, drivers don’t usually make announcements on Israeli buses. It took me a bit until I realized what was going on.

First he suddenly stopped the bus, and before getting off he said that “everything was fine.” But then we saw him anxiously trying to make some calls and apparently try to report something. I was starting to get pretty nervous. Then he made an incomprehensible announcement. Incomprehensible between my rotten hearing and his heavy accent. He had to repeat it a few times for me.

He reported that something was wrong with the bus, and he was going to do his best to get us as far as Givat Asaf where there are lots of buses towards Jerusalem.

And then he addressed me in Hebrew, and of course I asked him to repeat it a couple of times.

“You know English? Are you from America?”

And then he suddenly spoke to me in excellent, slightly British accented English.

“Where are you from?”
“I’ve been here a very long time.
“But where are you from?”
“New York”
“I was there.”

And before I knew it, the Arab bus driver was telling me a whole long story of how he had tried living in America to study and how outrageously expensive it is.

“It’s much better here.”

He seemed so very happy to be speaking English. It reminded me of when I used to work in Yafiz, Sha’ar Binyamin, when there used to be a lot of Arab customers. They loved speaking English to me and would tell me that it made them feel like they were back in America.

PS Yes, we did get to Givat Asaf, and a bus picked us up after only a couple of minutes.


  1. Pingback: Batsheva and King David, “Takes Two to Tango,” Said The Busdriver

  2. Que a veгdɑԀe por trás dа Fórmuⅼa da Reϲonquista?
    Será que ela fᥙnciona de verdade? Descubra o que precis fazer para ter seu ex- de volta.

    Reconquistar o seu amo é possível que sser umm prcesso difíciⅼ, singularmente quando vocês 2 já tomaram
    suas resoluções logo uma vez que tᥱrminaram. Imagine que você preferiu a resolução de rеɡressar cοm ele.
    Acredite, nessass horas, o mais difícil não é reconquіѕtá-lo, porém
    mantеr seu relacionamento estável mais uma vez.
    Se elee já foi embora uma vez, o qᥙe impеde dele fazer isso de novo?

    A primeeira ϲoiѕa que preecisa descobrir agorfa sãߋ as faⅼһas que mulheres de
    todas e cada uma das idades costumam cometer enquanto procuram retornar comm
    o ex. Na verdade, algumas desѕas táticas costumam afastá-lo
    mais ainda e também desperdiçam o tempo que você investіu o tempo tentava.
    Enviar presentes caros, declarações dɗe paiⲭão еm redes sociais,
    cartaѕ sentimentais imensas, pedidos de desculpas
    ou até messmо tentar converҳar sobre рlanos para mudar as coisɑs no Һorizonte não funcіonam.

    Sе você já chegou até cá, tenho probabilidade que está sentindo falta de seu amor.

    É normal, eᥙ ѕei. Perder a população namоraⅾa ɗói
    bastante, mas não fazer nada para mudar isso dói mas ainda!
    Aí que entr em cena o Fórmuⅼa daa Recobramento. Além dde trazer seu varão de
    retornamento, este ensina também como MANTER a relɑção.
    O que vou trepar descгever agora é um tanto que você não encontra em
    nenhᥙm outro lugar!

  3. Esther Revivo

    What a lovely story Batya! Thanks for sharing! I can’t stand folks who generalize and say that there are no good Arabs in our country. There are good people of every nation and faith. Yes, many wish we were gone from the country and wish us dead. But there ARE good Arab folks out there, probably too scared to speak up. My daughter’s life was saved by an Arab doctor years ago and I will be forever grateful! Kudos!

    1. Thanks, Esther, I also want to show people how there are normal exchanges between Jews and Arabs throughout the day. Most Arabs are very grateful for Israeli rule, though it can be dangerous for them to say so. The danger of course is from other Arabs.

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