40 Years in Shiloh Significance
For the past few months, we’ve been focusing on the memorable fact that we’re in the fortieth year of the renewal of Jewish Life in Shiloh.
For the past few months, we’ve been focusing on the memorable fact that we’re in the fortieth year of the renewal of Jewish Life in Shiloh.
Biblical Shiloh has also been set up as a “fun for the entire family” tourist spot, and I went there today.
Next week we will be celebrating Rosh Chodesh Elul, which marks a month to Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the Jewish Year. As has been my custom at least a decade I plan on praying at the Holy Site of Tel Shiloh, Shiloh Hakeduma, on Rosh Chodesh. Rosh Chodesh is …
There may not have been archeologists living at Tel Shiloh in early 1978, but today we certainly can call ourselves an “Archeological Expedition.”
There are various “dance” workshops, crafts, gifts, clothing, jewelry and more for sale, besides food. Young women were dressed in bridal gowns for a special fashion show. And of course you hear music all the time. Many women come to pray and be at the Holy Site of Shiloh.
Every Rosh Chodesh, besides those on Shabbat, there are Women’s Prayers at Tel Shiloh, Shiloh Hakeduma. We gather at the spot where the Mishkan, Tabernacle was located during Biblical times, before King David declared Jerusalem as the Jewish Capital City. Joshua brought the Tabernacle to Shiloh and made it the Capital …
During “the season” we moved to Shiloh in the summer of 1981, Shiloh doubled in population from over thirty families to sixty plus. And the yishuv (town) also got much, much larger, because Arik Sharon who had then been Minister of Construction had decided on insisted on making a whole …
Yom Ha’atzma’ut, Israeli Independence Day is definitely a spiritual holiday, not a simple celebration of a historic event. Recognizing the Hand of Gd in everything that has been happening to the Jewish People makes it easier to go on even when times are difficult.