Israel Blogger

Hidden Costs

In life we rarely see the hidden costs of the work of others, only our own. Years ago I was a youth counselor for seriously disturbed children from broken homes and dangerous neighborhoods. One of my tasks was called “Travel Training”, I was to take these young people and teach …

Stories and Values and a Lesson from a Survivor

In this day and age of social media people have few secrets. If you go out for a steak dinner, we all know about it. If you spend lots of money it is there for all to see. Even if you are not doing anything wrong it is important that you not make an impression of doing wrong. Appearances matter as it leads to discontent. 

It’s [Not] the Economy, Stupid; It’s the [Arab & Islamist Supremacist] Ideology

If we want to stop the violence, then making Hamas and its acolytes richer and enabling them to import more weapons will not serve that purpose. No more so than making the Nazis and their supporters in Germany richer would have made Germany less violent. The core of this conflict is, and has always been, ideological.