Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

The Story of Ruth & Naomi is Not About “Loving the Stranger”

Maybe I should call this post: Jerusalem Post Promotes Intermarriage I got very aggravated on Shavuot after reading the first/main article in the Jerusalem Post’s Holiday Magazine,  LOVING THE STRANGER: THE TIMELESS MESSAGE OF THE STORY OF RUTH by Lee Caspi, because Caspi got it all wrong. On my first reading, …

Batsheva and King David, “Takes Two to Tango,” Said The Busdriver

One of the things so very different here in Israel is that here the bus drivers are “peers,” meaning “regular people,” the sort who can be neighbors, friends, fellow Tanach, Bible aficionados. There are Arab bus drivers, too, as I wrote about here, but they are the exceptions. Unlike the …

“Stay Focused”!

Sunday, 10th June 2007 – Haifa, Israel  I set my alarm for 4:00 AM to give myself time to shower and prepare for our long morning. Funnily enough, Motti managed to get to sleep at a relatively normal hour (normal being a very loose term in the Rosenzweig Unabridged Dictionary) …