Category: <span>Right</span>

Time to Speak Out

Indeed it is time to speak out. While I regularly post on Facebook, I have not written a blog post in (literally) months. It is not for lack of desire. The problem has been that with so much going on, there was too much (is too much) to write about, …

Regarding the Airbnb Decree

The internet is ablaze with views, both pro and con, about the decision (decree) yesterday by Airbnb. According to various websites, Airbnb’s business is characterized as “… an online marketplace which lets people rent out their properties or spare rooms to guests. Airbnb takes 3% commission of every booking from hosts, …

The Sounds of Silence

Over the past few weeks, I have had numerous people ask me about my silence in the blogosphere. While I have posted much (too much?) via Facebook and Twitter (if you are not following me you can check out @ravzev1 on twitter), as far as writing a blog, well, it …

How Do You Get Past the Rage?

I have been asking some of my Facebook friends this questions today: How do you get past the rage? Rage…. Because today, four children from two families became orphans, when their mother/father were savagely murdered by yet another “freedom fighter.”  According to published reports, the murderer (I will not give …

In the Heavens Today

In the heavens today, there are two men that weren’t there yesterday and by all rights, shouldn’t be there today. Actually, to say they are in the heavens is incorrect. One is in heaven. Now we know, his name is Yotam Ovadia. And that he was only 31 years old, a …