The Gatestone Institute published an article, “Why Britain’s Deradicatlization Programs Are Failing“. More good news coming out of the UK. In the article, the author (A.Z. Mohamed), writes that the vast majority of the UK’s deradicalization programs are :at best ineffecive and at worst counter-productive”.
OK, this news is neither good nor surprising. One wonders at what point the UK will be so busy worrying about itself, they’ll stop blaming Israel for taking far fewer measures than they would take in the same situation. The article is a fascinating read from someone who worries about the future of the UK. I have to admit, I don’t. Though I am not a fortune teller, I’m relatively sure the future of the UK is going to be similar to that of many other places in Europe. The goal of Islamic attempts to conquer Europe began in the 7th century.
Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, France, Eastern Russia, and beyond. Albania today is 58% Muslim. Kosovo is 93.5% and 46% of the children in Macedonia (aged 0-4) are Muslim.
In Israel, we remain an island of tranquility compared to much of what is happening in Europe.
What is both ironic and hypocritical is that despite increasing instances of rape, criminal attacks and even murder, the Europeans remain more interested in what Israel does than what is happening within their own borders. Ironic because the very crimes they attribute to Israel are becoming prevalent there; and hypocritical because we aren’t using a fraction of the methods they’ve used to combat their enemies.
The Gatestone article focuses on Europe and the cause of religious radicalization there. Ironically, the cause is the same as what feeds violence here. The UK’s targets were entirely intended to destabilize the country and destroy the infrastructure; while our targets remain military in nature. We attack only those attacking us (or in some unavoidable instances, the human shields used by abusive parents and hate-filled terrorists).
And yet, despite their condemning Israel for manner of imagined sins, you’ll notice, for example, that while the UK proudly carpet-bombed Germany, we have yet to carpet-bomb Gaza.
To be clear, I am not suggesting that Israel should carpet bomb Gaza…yet. I’m merely drawing the parallel between two nations faced with barbaric enemies. One indiscriminately bombs its enemies cities to win the war; while the other (Israel), repeatedly focuses on those who attack our border, those who launch incendiary balloons that have already destroyed a huge amount of crops and forests.
Yesterday again (and the day before that and the day before that…), balloons sailed across the skies of Israel. For the first time, these weapons that bewilder our children and fly across our skies in the guise of innocence, made their way to the very center of our country. They are, to be clear, an attempt to harm and humiliate Israel and the reality that while the harm and damage is ours, the real humiliation is all theirs
Palestinians have used hundreds of condoms…no, not to protect their women from unplanned pregnancies, but to carry bombs into Israel. The obscenity of this is only multiplied by the fact that they appear as balloons to an unsuspecting child and so now children in Israel are afraid, as well they should be, when these bombs come floating across our borders.
They have burned over 7,000 acres (over 30,000 dunams) of fields, devastated the livelihoods of countless farmers in Israel who are the true innocents in this battle.
That’s right – the farmers of southern Israel, and the unfortunate children of Gaza. The farmers have the love and support of Israel. They WILL recover from this latest eco-terrorism from Gaza. The ones who will not recover are the children of Gaza. Why? Because their parents hate them. These children are extraneous, nothing more than tools to these parents. At birth, they were cursed. Cursed to become martyrs to a dark and evil culture.
One of the factors sited in the Gatestone article is domestic abuse. The article correctly points out that the deradicalization programs largely fail. They fail because they do not address the root cause, “radical Islam or the narrative of hate and intolerance founded on a “radical” interpretation of the Quran.”
Truth About the Palestinian’s Exploding Condom Balloons
Our children may be afraid of balloons, but they know they are loved. Gazan children are taught to love the balloons for the damage they cause. Only too late, do they find out that the hate that festers in the hearts of their parents has turned them into tools.