Category: <span>Social Activism</span>

Peace and Pride

When I saw the news of the police / MPs and the Ultra-Orthodox trying to have a sit-in against the draft, I thought, “If those had been Arabs and not Jews, the whole world would have been screaming. There can’t be a reason to kick a man when he’s down.” …

Why Did You Apologize? Your Only Mistake is that You Got Caught

The owner of a resort hotel in the Swiss Alps has conceded that she “used the wrong words” in signs she placed over the weekend that singled out “Jewish guests” over their use of the facility’s indoor swimming pool and kitchen refrigerators. Ruth Thomann, owner of the Paradies Hotel in Arosa …

Halacha, Like Every Created Thing, Is, Necessarily, Imperfect

It seems to be obvious to me that it should go without saying, but experience both historical and contemporary requires me to emphasize and re-emphasize this. Exploiting Halacha and the halachic process in order to manipulate power, political, social, economic or any other is beyond obscene and should never occur. …