Category: <span>Authors</span>

The Menorah as Experienced by Theodore Herzl

When there is but one light, all is still dark, and the solitary light looks melancholy. Soon, it finds one companion, then another, and another. The darkness must retreat. The light comes first to the young and the poor – then others join them who love Justice, Truth, Liberty, Progress, Humanity, and Beauty. When all the candles burn, then we must all stand and rejoice over the achievements. And no office can be more blessed than that of a Servant of the Light.

A Tale Of Two Pictures

Two pictures of a group of Jews, many who were smiling with joy and pride. Jews who were young and old, males and females, frozen in a moment of time. When I see this, it’s hard not to get emotional. It’s hard not to feel dread and hope at the same time. It’s hard not to feel joy and anger. In one picture I see the past disappear in a dark abyss of hopelessness and deep despair and in the other I see a joyous future so full of unlimited hope and incredible brightness.

And There Arose a New King: An Open Letter to Joe Biden

“And a new king arose over the land of Egypt, who knew not Joseph.” We are the people of Joseph, Mr. Biden. The descendants of those who left the land of Egypt. Once before, you threatened us and our Prime Minister offered the only answer, the perfect answer. We are not Jews with trembling knees. We are a proud people who have fought for our land; our sons and daughters have died for it.