Category: BatyaMedad
Category for Batya Medad
Summer! Cold Brew Coffee, Homemade
Last summer I discovered a new coffee taste and brewing method, Cold Brew.
Israeli Sovereignty Trumps Trump
…if we want the respect and support of American President Trump, then we must act like a strong, independent sovereign state, not a weak fawning nebbich.
Negotiations With The Arabs Won’t Bring Us Peace
I’ve been following news in Israel since before the 1967 Six Days War, and I’ve lived here since 1970, so I do have quite a long perspective. I remember when Israel’s political Center and even Left mocked the idea of a Palestinian State and People. That was the consensus here. …
Building in Shiloh, We’re Expanding!
During “the season” we moved to Shiloh in the summer of 1981, Shiloh doubled in population from over thirty families to sixty plus. And the yishuv (town) also got much, much larger, because Arik Sharon who had then been Minister of Construction had decided on insisted on making a whole …
Blessing the Government, Ethics of the Fathers, Pirkei Avot, Chapter 3:2
The prayer was very carefully worded. It does not endorse the policies of the politicians leading the State of Israel. It has us asking Gd to bless those people with wisdom and the ability to follow Gd’s instructions.
Time to Declare Independence From United Nations
It seems like we Israelis are always complain about the treatment we get from the United Nations and its various bodies/groups/organizations such as the Security Council, UNESCO, etc. Nu, why does anyone in their right mind expect an improvement? The world is antisemitic. The only Jewish establishments/foundations/museums that can get …
Celebrating Israeli Independence Day, 5777, 2017
Yom Ha’atzma’ut, Israeli Independence Day is definitely a spiritual holiday, not a simple celebration of a historic event. Recognizing the Hand of Gd in everything that has been happening to the Jewish People makes it easier to go on even when times are difficult.
The 28th of Iyar, Book Review
The State of Israel has been gearing up for celebrating the 50th anniversary of our miraculous victory in the 1967 Six Days War…That’s why I’m very happy that Rabbi Emanuel Feldman has republished his lovely and honest memoir, his day by day journal written during the weeks leading up to the Six Days War and the war itself.
Israeli Memorial-Independence Days Connection, Suits to a “T”
Our Independence Day celebrations honor those who were killed. By celebrating we are saying that they didn’t die in vain, and that our enemies will not defeat us, not militarily and not psychologically.