In the Hard Times – Remember – We ARE a Miracle

In the Hard Times – Remember – We ARE a Miracle

Sometimes, when you become overwhelmed, the best solution is to stop and go back to the basics of the situation. Basically, the fact that we live in this land is a miracle. Really, it is that simple, that obvious, and little else. Nearly forever, we have been breaking the odds…well, at least for thousands of years. Nation after nation has disappeared, and yet the Jews remain.

A nation in the desert we started out as slaves
Made it to the motherland, and then came the Crusades
It’s been so many years
crying so many tears
Don’t you know, don’t you really know?
We are pushed to the ground
Through our faith we are found
Standing strong

Long ago, Ahad Ha’am wrote, “More than Jews have kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jews.” Obviously, this is open to interpretation but the bottom line for most of us is that our faith, our commitment to all that we are as a people, has resulted in a people strong enough to survive across thousands of years. When pushed “to the ground,” it is our faith that has helped us survive.

We are a miracle
We are a miracle
We were chosen with love
And embraced from Above
We are a miracle

First, “Chosen with love”  is so accurate, so much a part of our people and religion. God chose us with love. We choose love. We raise our children in love. We love our land. Second, we have been embrace from Above. Certainly, here in Israel, every day proves God’s love. This morning 28 rockets were fired at Israel. Just an hour ago, Gaza fired rockets at us again. Today, a missile fell just outside a kindergarten. :Less than an hour before young children  arrived. One person hurt and a great tragedy avoided.. Each missile brings with it a threat and today, thirty miracles occurred. Nothing less.

Extermination was the plan
When the devil was a man
But the few who carried on
Live for millions who are gone
It’s been so many years
Crying so many tears
Don’t you know, don’t you really know?
We are pushed to the ground
Through our faith we are found
Standing strong

Again, we have stood against all those who came against us. In the desert leaving Egypt, Amalek and his people attacked us. Then, they chose to attack the weakest ones who followed at the end of the long trail. For this cowardice, God ordered us to obliterate Amalek and his people.

And, we stood against Haman.He planned, and we defeated him. In the end, the king of Shushan hanged Haman and the Jews celebrated. With faith, we survived the inquisition, the crusades, the pogroms.

We are a miracle
We are a miracle
We were chosen with love
And embraced from above
We are a miracle

More, we defeated Hitler. Clearly, we know it was the tanks and planes of the Allies that brought Nazi Germany to its knees, but we too had a victory. Sometimes, merely surviving is the greatest victory of all. While they defeated the physical armies, we survived his plan. Above all, this means we delivered one of Hitler’s greatest defeat. Because, Hitler’s hatred lost. And Amalek cowardice earned him nothing. Even, Haman’s greed did not bring him victory. Every time, our enemies have fallen and we have survived.

Every day we fight a battle
On the news we are the stars
As history repeats itself
And makes us who we are
Hate is all around us
But we’ll be here to sing the song

We are a miracle
We are a miracle
Through it all we remain
Who Can Explain

We are a Miracle

With gratitude and total credit, thanks to:

  • Yitzy Waldner who composed the song
  • Sophia Franco for the lyrics
  • Shwekey for singing it with such strength.

So, what are the lessons for today? First, we have to remember that the miracles we see every day do come from Above. Second, we have to have faith in the hardest of times. And third, history has shown us that we will stand. Forever, Israel is an eternal nation and yes, we are a miracle.

Maybe there are days when this is hard to remember? Certainly, today is not one of those days. Sadly, Hamas is sending messages that they are ready for the next war. As a result, we prepare for battle. Much as we want peace and yearn for it, the Arabs leave us no choice.

Therefore, the government has ordered residents of the south to open their bomb shelters and prepare. Seems like Hamas wants this, as they have evacuated their office and training bases. And so, we wait.

In the meantime, let’s all remember. Up against the threat of our enemies, we stand tall and proud. Because, we ARE a miracle.


One comment

  1. Ruth Mastron

    I choked up from the beginning, but didn’t start crying until the Shoah children came to life and started running out of those haunting pictures.

    Thank you. When things get us down, we need to look up. And remember that every Jew alive today is a miracle–every single one of us.

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