Israel Blogger

To Whom Do You Pledge Allegiance?

All those who claim to believe in Hashem – whether they call Him the Lord, God, or Allah – must therefore believe that (1) Hashem gave the Nation of Israel the Land of Israel forever, (2) Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and (3) Judea and Samaria are part of Eretz Yisrael.
As a Jew, I pledge allegiance to Hashem and His Torah, one Nation under Hashem, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Do you love Israel?

People often ask me, “Do you love Israel?” The pat answer is, “Of course I do!” Truthfully, though, living in Israel is similar to being married. At the beginning, when you first meet, there are lots of fireworks. The land is beautiful, it beckons. The sun is fantastic, and you …

Maale Adumim Book Swap

It’s an event that takes place twice a year. Five or six THOUSAND English books…all donated and then sold for charity. It’s about community; it’s about dozens of volunteers working together. It takes place in May and in November. Just a reminder that we are days away from the Maale …

The Moral and Ethical Bankruptcy of the Haredi Leadership in Bet Shemesh

I recently posted an article in which I made a suggestion about how, perhaps, the residents of Bet Shemesh can come together to try to resolve the ongoing religious conflicts and violence in their community. I wrote this as a total outsider, but with the intention of trying to voice an …