Author: <span>Harry Zeitlin</span>

Halacha, Like Every Created Thing, Is, Necessarily, Imperfect

It seems to be obvious to me that it should go without saying, but experience both historical and contemporary requires me to emphasize and re-emphasize this. Exploiting Halacha and the halachic process in order to manipulate power, political, social, economic or any other is beyond obscene and should never occur. …

Before The Window Closes

Having been given the greatest opportunity in many generations, we’ve surely made a big mess of it. However close we once might have been to the millennia-longed-for ultimate Redemption (Geula), we now have a tremendous amount of work to do, cleaning up the damage and getting back on track before …

Past, Present and Future

Ki Ani HaShem Lo Shaniti (Malachi 3:6), “Because I am God, I do not change”. Among the very final words of the official prophetic era, a close reading (diyyuk) implies that absolutely everything except The Creator is subject to change. Judaism and the Jewish People have lived and evolved in …

Praying From The Floor

This is adapted from a post on Since I wrote and published that, I have been steadily recovering. As horrible as it was to experience, it has generated deep insights and even deeper questions which I hope to explore here in the future. What do we achieve when we …